2009年11月19日 星期四



來去機場 I


 arrival(s) / departure(s) 入境/出境
 transfer 轉機
 boarding pass 登機證
 international flight 國際航線
 domestic flight 國內航線
 check-in 報到
 boarding 登機
customs 海關
baggage 託運行李
carrousel 機場行李轉檯
terminal 站;飛機停靠站
duty free shop 免稅商店
foreign currency exchange 外幣兌換處

 Why do you come to America? / What is the purpose of your visit?
 你為何來美國? / 你來訪的目的?
 Sight-seeing. / For business.
 觀光 / 商務
 How long will you stay in America?
 10 days. / Two weeks.
 10 / 兩個禮拜
 Where do you stay in America?
 What do you do?
 I am a student.
 Do you have anything to declare?


來去機場 II

 Please open this bag. What are these?
 They are for my personal use.
 Sorry! I can not speak English. Could you find someone to help me?

